Friday 5 November 2010

Political Correctness...

In Cambridge this evening we did not have Guy Fawkes Night fireworks; we only had "5th of November" fireworks. Just another day, no history involved apparently. Could we make it more prosaic please, I still felt a little magic. I'm not asking that we immolate a Catholic on the bonfire, but why deny history? It's a bit late to worry about offending Catholics, isn't it? Besides you'd think they'd be used to it.

My friends listening to the announcements before hand quipped: "wow they really did their risk assessment, didn't they!" After rain all day, and standing in pouring rain, for what were some very nice fireworks, we had some local radio idiot remind us to be careful on the way out as the ground was wet. No fucking kidding - it's pissing down with rain and the ground is wet? Well fuck me. Is it just me or does anyone else hate being spoken to like a child when they're over 40 (and rapidly becoming blind and toothless)?

Another couple of hours of the hideous noise of the 'fun' fair and then I can get some sleep - but first a hot bath is in order.

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