Sunday 24 October 2010

To cut or not to cut.

So the cuts have been announced. I am highly likely to be targeted for a shove towards employment despite the facts of my illnesses and lack of employability, to compete with 500,000 out of work civil servants. I'm still grateful for the support I get, and will continue to get even though I'm worried about making ends meet in the future.

Glancing through the media and comments from the public what strikes me is the level of polarisation between those keen to cut (whatever the social costs) and those unwilling to cut (whatever the economic costs). There is no consensus and no middle ground. Isn't that a worrying thing?

I suppose history will be the judge, but I do feel worried about being a pawn in this chess game between powerful forces that think in terms of 100,000's of people and billions of pounds. I've never felt more that society considers me a number, an unwelcome statistic, than ever before. At present I have no great hopes of the NHS coming up with any new treatment, so it looks like a very different lifestyle ahead.

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