Tuesday 15 June 2010

Conservative Welfare Reforms

It might pay to keep an eye on "The Blue Blog", especially if you are interested in welfare reform.
"If people genuinely can’t work, we’re going to look after them. But if they’re found fit to work, they will be transferred onto Jobseeker’s Allowance. From there, we will offer people targeted, tailored, personal support to get a job."
Pardon? How is this different from the current policy? In fact this is what happens now. These rich bastards have no idea what being incapacitated is like. Even if they were ill they would receive a much higher standard of care down at Harley St, have no fear of losing their homes, and know that they will never be forced to live on £9500 per year.

What we have here is rhetoric. Scary rhetoric because of course it will affect people's lives, and may of us will be anxious about being forced into worse straits than we're already in because some politician wants the electorate to think he or she is 'tough'.

I'd encourage everyone to comment on their blog - comment is free and most of the comments are by Tories so far. Let them know what you think!

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