Monday 4 January 2010

Psychiatry's failed paradigm

Saw this tweeted today
"The solution to mental illness has seemed to lie in application of drugs. If a serious psychiatric disorder arises, the reasoning goes, it must be centered in the brain - and, the reasoning further assumes, the most successful treatment is a biological one. Or is it? In his book, "Doctoring the Mind: Is Our Current Treatment of Mental Illness Really Any Good?" Richard P. Bentall challenges psychiatry's presumption that drugs are best for tackling mental illnesses. Bentall, a professor of clinical psychology at the University of Bangor in Wales, argues for treatment that focuses on the patient as much as on the brain in a setting that stresses a strong relationship between patient and doctor."

I might add that Bentall makes a lot of sense. I would highlight this sentence as well
"Recent studies of antidepressants suggest that they are barely better than placebo, although drug companies have made the data look otherwise by selectively reporting positive results."

and he finishes with
"If we are to improve outcomes for people with severe mental illness, we need to abandon the idea that all the answers lie in genes and biochemisty. We need to develop a less drug-based, more person-centerd approach, which takes the experiences of patients seriously."
Hallelujah!! Oh how I hate psychiatrists and their fucking drugs. No doctor should be allowed to prescribe a psycho-active drug they have not personally taken for a month!

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