Monday 18 January 2010

Most depressing day of the year?

The Guardian have dusted off a story about 'blue monday' - no, not the New Order song, but the idea that the post-christmas slump reaches a peak on the 3rd monday in January. That's actually today - I am a bit depressed and have been since Christmas, so there you go.

Meanwhile The Times suggests that "toxic society" is to blame for depression, well they would, wouldn't they. But apparently it's not genetic, and certain demographics, and those who had traumatic childhood's are much more likely to develop depression. Then at the end you find it's all an advert for some guy's book, which is a bit depressing - he's scathing of drugs and flogging CBT which isn't the ultimate answer I can tell you!

I really don't think that medical journalists have understood depression, let alone the medical profession. But it's a hot topic cos every other person has it, a lot of money is thrown at it and not much of it is any help! So it's 'a story' now.

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